Friday, December 01, 2006

The Day of the Punter

Man, it is just all about punters out there today. Ok, that could be partially my subjective perspective but here's another great piece on a punter - this time it's the Panther's Jason Baker who has an excellent shot of making the Pro Bowl this year.

As the article in the Charlotte Observer points out, Jason is the polar opposite of Carolina's previous boot-man, the T.O. of punters, Todd Sauerbraun.

"Most of the time I say no when people walk up and say, `can we talk to you?' " Baker said this week while standing in front of his locker. "My goal is just to do my job. I don't do it for the additional attention, I do it because this is what I was blessed with and I have a responsibility to take these gifts and do what I can do with them. I don't look at it any deeper than that."

I love this quote. Not only is it humble, but you have to be glad that he is using his gift for good and not for evil.

Panther's themselves have a nice little piece on Jason as well.

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